Hello. Bonjour. Hej.
It’s me.
Like Daylight Saving Time I am moving forward.
Last week I was in front of students at Sir Oliver Mowat Collegiate Institute in Scarborough, Ontario. My goal, as instructed by an AWEsome English Teacher, was to inspire them. The students would be preparing a Book Talk this semester and I was to provide some examples - in action - for them to view.
I was relieved when the students asked questions. There were the standard ‘what’s your favourite book?’ to ‘do you have a novel in you?’. One question a challenge to answer as I have so many dear books that helped me throughout my life. The latter was easy as I am not a writer. Those skills are beyond me and so I shout about great books instead! I also managed to get the teens on stage with me to share their love of a recent read. One boy shared his thoughts about WONDER. It was interesting he remembered very specific details whereas I recall the feelings I had while reading.
Next week I’m on the expanded national edition of Global TV’s The Morning Show. It’s a Monday in March so I’ll be talking about mitigating March Madness - it is a thing, isn’t it?
I really liked last year’s segment when I suggested Cooking Step by Step from DK Canada. It provides an opportunity for culinary literacy and a shared experience in the kitchen.
The Morning Show Brake for March Break
I do love talking about books but I am also a cycling advocate and I’ll have my time on stage at the Ontario Bike Summit. Bike Minds in partnership with Share the Road is presenting Bikes+Community. Bike Minds is Toronto’s bicycle-themed storytelling event, where guests share personal, positive, and inspiring stories related to cycling. I’ll be sharing the pedal powered story of The Reading Line.
Have you seen the video from last year’s Book Ride??
2018 Viaduct Book Ride documentary
In this next chapter of mine, title to be determined, I not only need to speak up for myself but listen to me. The ‘busy’ schedule I maintained was a great cover to hide and ignore what I really want for myself.
Now … I am designing my own day, preparing for an empty nest and thinking about the future. Tomorrow is a wide open vista and it’s exciting, daunting, heart stopping and thrilling all at the same time! I am blessed with friends who believe in me but as you know, you have to believe in yourself.
I quote Shakespeare’s line from Hamlet all the time but do I follow the advice?
Only time will tell.