The roads have been dry here during the first month of January. So dry I thought I’d begin the new year on January 11th - e v e r y o n e starts on the 1st - and abstain from alcohol. There are a lot of articles with TIPS on how to make a plan and stick to it! I didn’t read any of them.
Instead, I wrote in my journal.
“dear Janet. You do have CONTROL of what you do. I ask you Janet. What do you want?”
Dry January is only 31 days but my intention is to continue.
Because I’m tired of wasting my nights with a bottle of wine and a bowl of popcorn. Because I’ve gained wine weight. Because I’m afraid.
THIS DAY is not going to come back.
When I was traveling around the world in 2019, I would say “if not now, when?”
Why am I not treating today like Maldon Sea Salt Flakes?
Well, I can. And, I will.
I invested in a pedal asist cargo bicycle last fall. I named it MARK because I live in a valley and St Marks Hill Road is a steep hill I pedal up most every day. I knew if I was to “age in place” then I needed help UP that hill!
Additionally, when I get on this bicycle, I say “On your Mark, get set, GO!” and boy o boy do we go! It’s an incredible carGObike!
I bought this hat for myself a few years ago. That night I met a friend and we went to the theatre. Gosh. I hope that can happen again!
Why am I writing about a bike and a hat.
Mmmmm. Good question.
Because it’s my birthday month.
A time to treat myself.
Sans alcohol.